
英文《中国日报》也在23日出版的习主席出访专版上刊发了其中八句话的中英文对照,内容如下。笔者拙译,请大家不吝赐教! 1、路遥知马力,日久见人心 Distance tests a horse's stamina; time tells a man's heart. 2、近水楼台先得月 A pavilion closer to the waterfront has better access to moonlight. 3、家门口太平,我们才能安心、踏实办好自己的事情 Nothing but peace at our doorstep can reassure us and make us dedicated to our own affairs. 4、以和为贵,与人为善 Take harmony as a treasure, and be kind to others. 5、己所不欲,勿施于人 Do not treat others in ways (you) do not want them to treat you. 6、众人拾柴火焰高 Where many help to gather firewood, the flames of a campfire rise high. 7、独行快,众行远 A trip made alone is faster; a group journey covers a greater distance. 8、言必信,行必果 Be true in word and resolute in deed.